All tagged Culture

Post-Royal Commission, are we measuring, auditing, or evaluating culture?

“Business units and small teams have a culture that can be at odds with the institutional culture. Culture forms around accepted behaviours and ways of working that are developed over time. New members of the team are then brought that way of working as the acceptable norm. To measure culture, we need to get underneath the obvious and easily observed at the local level.”

Behavioural change is not what you see, but what others see

“Nudge is not new; but the tools and techniques have been popularised, so the understanding is now more widespread. My concern though is with the way that nudge is talked about, and change applied in the APS. If we think about behavioural change as akin to art, then nudge is a useful brush that we’re fond of using. Unfortunately, we have become so fascinated by the brush that we have forgotten how to paint and the reason we’re painting in the first place.”

What needs to change for flexible work to work?

“It’s not a conversation where those working differently make excuses for working in different ways. It’s not a strategy for retaining talent, and it is never a conversation where a colleague says ‘enjoy your day off’ as you finish work for the week at 2:30pm on a Wednesday. There is no need to refer to it as flexible work because it is just work.”